1. 背景與簡介
催化劑轉換器的內部陶瓷蜂窩結構涂有含有Pt,Pd和Rh的修補基面涂層,同時還可以存在其他元素以使催化轉化器受益。商業上,能夠回收鉑族貴金屬有助于滿足新的需求。 汽車催化轉化器占鉑和鈀需求的一半以上,占銠需求的大部分。 知道催化劑材料的貴金屬含量對于回收物能夠正確定價其材料至關重要
便攜式X射線熒光(XRF)光譜儀Compass 200 XRF可快速,準確地現場測定催化劑粉末中的貴金屬,從而大程度地提高測試通量和利潤。
2. 儀器測量條件
為催化劑分析設定了工廠優化的測試條件。 這項行業可靠的技術可實現低檢測限和高精度的貴金屬高速檢測。
1. 測試步驟和性能
樣品的制備只需簡單地將一塊催化轉化器的蜂窩磨碎,用研杵和研缽將其精細研磨,然后將所得粉末放入裝有Mylar薄膜的樣品杯中。 將樣品杯裝入指南針XRF分析儀的樣品室中進行測量。
3.1.1 將樣品搗碎并研磨
3.1.2 將研磨過的樣品放入使用特殊薄膜的樣品杯中
3.1.3 將樣品放入Compass200中準備測試
3.2 準確性研究
為了研究Compass 200的準確性,進行了2種認證參考材料的分析。 將測試的參考標準樣品壓碎,干燥并篩分至恒定大小,均質化,然后以帶有特殊薄膜的樣品中再放到分析儀中。 為了獲得準確而有代表性的結果,需要樣品制備。 直接試圖分析陶瓷蜂窩的表面可能會產生誤導性的結果。
“ 催化劑標定模式"是根據指南針XRF分析儀中的EC算法預先校準的,因此,在開箱即用后即可直接使用。 為了減少基體效應對元素的影響,應用了康普頓散射峰校正。
標準樣品 | Std 01 | Std 02 | ||
ppm | 標準值 | 測定值 | 標準值 | 測定值 |
Pt | 285 | 287 | 406 | 396 |
Pd | 128 | 134 | 48 | 55 |
Rh | 23 | 20 | 51 | 42 |
XRF設備的另一個重要參數是分析的可重復性。 每次150秒對樣品進行7次測量。 pt,pd和rh含量的平均值,標準偏差(Std Dev)和相對標準偏差(RSD)由以下數據計算得出
Sample Name | Rh | Pd | Pt |
Sample4#-1 | 35.188 | 175.501 | 242.849 |
Sample4#-2 | 36.788 | 167.881 | 248.067 |
Sample4#-3 | 36.063 | 171.135 | 244.861 |
Sample4#-4 | 36.750 | 166.669 | 248.872 |
Sample4#-5 | 33.925 | 177.190 | 246.872 |
Sample4#-6 | 34.488 | 167.501 | 250.849 |
Sample4#-7 | 35.188 | 174.281 | 246.067 |
Average | 35.484 | 171.451 | 246.920 |
Std Dev | 1.0982 | 4.2556 | 2.6491 |
RSD | 3.09% | 2.48% | 1.07% |
Compass 200 XRF提供了一種精確,快速且易于使用的快篩檢測方法,用于確定已制備的汽車催化劑樣品中Pt,Pd和Rh的含量。 鉑族元素的高價值使得對這些元素的準確測定具有重要的商業意義。
EDXRF fluorescence spectrometer COMPASS 200 is used to analyze and test the precious metals Pt, Pd and Rh in the catalyst
1. Background and introduction
The internal ceramic honeycomb structure of the catalyst converter is coated with a washcoat containing Pt, Pd and Rh. Other elements may also be present to benefit the catalytic converter. Commercially, being able to recover platinum group metals (PGM) can help meet new demands. Automotive catalytic converters account for more than half of platinum and palladium demand and the majority of rhodium demand. Knowing the PGM content of the catalyst material is essential for recyclables to be able to price their materials correctly
The portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Compass 200 XRF can quickly and accurately determine the precious metals in the catalyst powder on site, thereby maximizing test throughput and profit.
Sample preparation
The sample preparation simply grinds a piece of catalytic converter honeycomb, grinds it finely with a pestle and mortar, and then puts the resulting powder into a sample cup containing Mylar film. Load the sample cup into the sample chamber of the compass XRF analyzer for measurement.
Accuracy study
>>Standard sample preparation
In order to study the accuracy of Compass 200, two types of certification reference materials were analyzed. The test reference standard sample is crushed, dried and sieved to a constant size, homogenized, and then packed into the analyzer in a cup with a polyester film. In order to obtain accurate and representative results, sample preparation is required. Attempting to analyze the surface of the ceramic honeycomb may produce misleading results.
>>Experience Calibration
"Car catalyst" is pre-calibrated according to the EC algorithm in the compass xrf analyzer, so it can be used directly out of the box. In order to reduce the influence of the matrix effect on the elements, Compton scattering peak correction is applied.
Note: To extend the calibration range (for example, to include different matrices, extend the element calibration range, or add new elements of interest), other standards can be easily added to the existing calibration.
In conclusion
Compass 200 XRF provides an accurate, fast, and easy-to-use alternative method for determining the amount of Pt, Pd, and Rh in prepared automotive catalyst samples. The high value of platinum group elements makes the accurate determination of these elements of great commercial significance.
Compass XRF analyzer provides quick, on-site analysis of waste car catalyst information with minimal samples